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Cheeky Guidelines


Since its inception, Cheeky’s goal has been to provide a safe, inclusive space for spankos to explore their fetish. We feel that we cannot carry out this mission without providing clear standards on consent and best practices for our events. As such, we recently updated our community guidelines and policies for reporting consent incidents. We recognize that in order to maintain a safe environment, we cannot give way to complacency. As such, these policies are subject to evolve as we continue to educate ourselves. 


If you have any questions or concerns about these updates, please feel free to DM us via Twitter or Fetlife, or send us an e-mail at



All those in attendance at Cheeky, including staff, must show proof of vaccination against COVID-19. Fully vaccinated is defined as at least 14 days after receiving the final FDA or WHO approved vaccine in a one- or two-shot protocol. Proof of vaccination is comprised of your vaccination record and ID showing identical information at time of entry. This information will not be collected or stored. Failure to produce proof of vaccination at time of event will result in being disallowed from the event without refund.


Please note that our health and safety policies may be updated at any time and will be messaged accordingly, and we expect our attendees to be fully up to date with those communications before arriving on-site. We will provide ample reminders before an event.


Cheeky takes seriously the responsibility of creating a space that is safe, fun, and supportive for all our attendees. The following guidelines are intended to signpost responsible, consent-forward play between our guests. It is an evolving document; when necessary we will make changes or clarifications.

  1. First and foremost,  consent guides everything we do at these parties. Consent is not the absence of a no, but the presence of a yes. Do not engage in play, whether spanking or otherwise, without the consent of everyone involved. If you ask someone to play, and they say no, please do not continue to press them to do so. A “no” should be taken as final unless the individual specifies otherwise.

  2. These are spanking parties, not general kink or swinger events. Attendees are welcome to consensually get up to whatever they like with each other in private rooms. But we ask that public play be confined to spanking/impact play and its accompanying aspects (roleplay, mouth soaping, cornertime, lines, etc.). If you want to do something more BDSM-y, like a rope scene, you are welcome to approach one of the organizers, preferably before the party, to ask if a space can be set up for your scene. We will try to be accommodating! But keep in mind our priority with Cheeky is creating a space for spankos to be fully themselves, so we can’t guarantee room for non-spanko activities. But again, don’t be afraid to ask.  

  3. Along the same lines as #2, Cheeky attendees are expecting spanking play, and ONLY spanking play, unless they specifically consent to something else. This means absolutely NO sexual play, touching of private body parts besides the butt, biting, rough play, or anything else that isn’t part of general spanking play, without express permission from your scene partner. This isn’t a grey area for us, and we won’t treat it as such. If you touch someone sexually during a scene, or engage in play that is beyond the bounds of spanking roleplay, and your play partner didn’t consent to it, you will be asked to leave and banned from our parties. 

  4. We believe alcohol can be a fun and responsible addition to a play party among adults, and many of our events do include alcohol. We do ask that attendees are responsible consumers; you may not consume alcohol if you are under 21 years old. If you are visibly intoxicated, the organizers will ask that you not continue playing that night. This is both a safety and a consent issue. Altering substances (alcohol, drugs, etc) are expressly prohibited during any “immersive” portion of an event (i.e., our day-long school role plays). Do not bring it, even to brat with. This is non-negotiable. And please do not bring any other altering substances to a Cheeky event. Also please keep in mind that some venues may have additional guidelines on alcohol. Any venue-specific rules will be posted ahead of a party. 

  5. We recognize that it is important to many spanking enthusiasts to have an element of spontaneity to their scenes. This doesn’t, however, excuse any disregarding of safewords when used. We also honor the stoplight system: green, yellow, red. This applies in all situations and between all play partners even if other safewords have been established. Failure to heed any party’s established safeword, or “yellow” or “red,” will be considered a consent violation. Remember: consent can be withdrawn at any time.

  6. In general, it’s a good idea to ask, either before or during a scene, before taking down a play partner’s underwear, especially if you haven’t played together much before. This is especially true during public play, as not every attendee has the same comfort level in this regard. Please be considerate and proactive in getting consent in this area. 

  7. Absolutely no filming or photos of any attendees is allowed without their permission, during play or otherwise. This means folks in the background of a photo too. In general, please be respectful of everyone’s privacy outside of the Cheeky-verse. 

  8. Please respect people’s pronouns and identities. Cheeky is a supportive space for all attendees. 

  9. Attendees must be at least 19 years old. 

  10. The Cheeky organizers have final say on who attends these parties. This always sounds way harsher than it’s intended, but we want to make it clear anyway: Cheeky reserves the right to ban any attendee at any time for any reason. But trust us: we don’t want to do so, and we only ban folks if there is a good reason. Our priority is the safety and enjoyment of our attendees, and we will take whatever measures are necessary to ensure that. 


In summation, we trust our attendees and depend on them to use their best judgment. If they break that trust or fail to use their best judgment we will assume they no longer deserve a place at our parties. 


Cheeky takes consent seriously. We want all of our attendees to have a safe, fun experience regardless of age, race, national origin, ability, gender, sexual orientation, or play dynamic. We recognize that cannot occur unless we have a robust and transparent set of guidelines for accepting and processing reports of harm. The following guidelines outline how and when to make such a report to Cheeky. 


Making a Report

If you have experienced or witnessed a case of behavior you feel is worthy of a report, you may make the report here. Alternatively, you may make a report to us by phone or in person. You may reach out to us by email ( or on Fetlife to set this up. 


Please note: We do not believe there is a statute of limitations on bad behavior. If you have credible reports of consent violations or other harmful actions that occurred before Cheeky’s inception, we are still open to hearing them. Likewise, the harm in question does not have to have happened at a Cheeky event, nor does it need to involve only members of the spanking community. We believe harm is harm, no matter where, when, or to whom it occurred. 

Types of Reports Accepted
  1. First-Hand Report: This is a report of something that has happened directly to you. We cannot take action on a report without following up with you. We promise the follow-up will be done with respect and discretion, and in line with the preferences of the reporting party.

  2. Witnessed Report: This is a report of something you have seen or otherwise witnessed that you believe needs to be brought to Cheeky’s attention. In this case, we may follow up with the individuals directly impacted by the behavior, and take action where (when) we feel necessary. 


Actions After Reports Have Been Made

Once a report is made and we have reached out to the individual(s) in question:

  1. We will confirm receipt of the report within 3-5 days of submission. 

  2. We will strive to connect with the impacted individual(s) - whether the reporter themselves or the individuals to whom harm was done - within the following 14 days.

  3. After taking in all available information and discussing the matter internally, all Cheeky organizers will vote on a plan of action. Action does not always mean a ban. In some cases, Cheeky organizers may vote to place an individual who has not yet exhibited dangerous behavior on probation. In such a case, Cheeky organizers will reach out to the individual and inform them why they are on probation. Such individuals are not eligible for top roles in immersive events. In the cases where a ban is involved, the banned individual will be notified. We will also contact any other relevant parties, and, with the consent of the impacted individual(s), may also contact other party organizers to inform them of our decision.

  4. For potential victims' safety, to preserve the integrity of the reporting process, and/or at the reporting person's request, we may withhold details of the reason for a ban or other action. We are not an arbitrating body and not responsible for creating a path to amends for an alleged perpetrator; our primary concern is the safety of our attendees and the creation of an environment that encourages reasonable reporting. As such it is important to make sure that those making a report do not feel endangered by doing so.

  5. We do not publish a list of banned individuals, but may privately answer any direct inquiries about who is allowed and disallowed from our parties. 


For our evening parties, tickets are eligible for refunds from four or more days out from the event; after that point we we do not issue refunds or hold tickets over. For our immersive school event, if you alert us within two weeks of the party that you cannot attend, you can have a refund or have your ticket held for the next event. These timelines are important for us to set budgets for the events' success, so thank you for respecting them!
Additional Policies

Attending a party is a privilege, not a right, and we reserve the right to ban any person for any reason at any time from our events. Such reasons may include patterns of troubling behavior or credible reports from other trusted parties (such as other party organizers who have received first-hand reports themselves). 


False Reports

We default to belief on all reports. But false reports - while very rare - endanger everyone. If we discover that someone has made a knowingly false accusation or assists in the spread of misinformation about an individual, that may be cause for banning as well. We want to hear about your experiences, and encourage the focus to remain on those who have been harmed rather than unsourced rumors that risk damaging the process.


The following is a list of some of the resources Cheeky staff consulted in the creation of these guidelines and procedures. 


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